
Gate of Akasaka Palace 3

 ~The Versailles of Japan ~ 


       東京的赤坂離宮有「日本的凡爾賽宮」的美稱,這棟「新巴洛克式」的建築出自建築師「片山東熊」之手,建於1899~1909年間,最初是為皇太子所建造的宮殿,原名又稱「東宮御所」,皇太子裕仁曾於此居住5年之久,現今這棟建築被指定為「日本國寶」並作為外賓訪問的官方住所。這次我拜訪的目的顯然是為了瞧一眼 2019年德仁天皇即位典禮時的座車,那台造價 8,000萬日幣的 Toyota Century皇家敞篷車,目前這車系只接受頂級客層預定且僅於日本販售,所以特別來看一眼還是值得!


The main building of Akasaka Palace, or the State Guest House, is a Neo-Baroque style Western building and looks like Louis XIV's Versailles. The palace was originally built as the Imperial Palace for the Crown Prince in 1909. Now it is appointed as an official visiting accommodation. Recently, Japanese imperial couple wave and smile to the crowd from the open car from the Imperial Palace to the Akasaka Palace during his enthronement parade in 2019. 


 Akasaka Palace — Main Buliding & Entrance (15,000 square meter) 

Akasaka Palace Main Building 2

Akasaka Palace Main Building 3

Akasaka Palace Main Building

 Akasaka Palace — Main Gate

Akasaka Palace 赤坂離宮

Gate of Akasaka Palace 2

Gate of Akasaka Palace 3

Gate of Akasaka Palace

 Akasaka Palace — Main Entrance and Garden

Main Garden 2

Main Garden 3

Main Garden

Akasaka Palace — Toyota Century, Emperor car

天皇車 2


    創作者 快樂的蘿絲琳 的頭像

    快樂的蘿絲琳 Happy Roselin

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